So you’ve decided to start one of the #100DaysOfX challenges. Here are all the steps you need to take to make the most of your experience and with every step - to greatly improve the probability of success!
Steps to Ensure Your Success
- Tweet your commitment to the challenge if you haven’t done so already. Remember to change YOURCHALLENGE to the challenge you’ve decided to commit to.
- Check if there is already a page dedicated to your challenge, filled with rules, the log template and resources needed to start. [NOTE: This is in development and there will be more challenge pages added every day.]
- Join our Slack and Discord communities. We use Slack for general chatting, asking questions, etc. We use Discord if we need to jump on a call, or a video chat - which can help
- Follow our official accounts on Twitter and Instagram: both of them are @_100DaysOfX You will see reposts of other people in the challenges there, as well as announcements and improvements as we are making them.
- Choose a tool where you will be storing the progress updates (your daily progress log) My recommendations are: a) Google Docs - create a new document b) Evernote - create a new note Name the new document/note after the challenge you are taking and add the round number below. You should keep a separate document for each of the challenges you are taking and for each of the rounds you should create a separate document. (Otherwise it will be difficult to find your way around)
- Plan: Formulate what you want to work on during the challenge and the main rules you are setting up for yourself.. Don’t spend too much time planning, but having a plan like this will help you on your path. Write out these rules on the top of a document that you’ve created in the previous step.
- As you go through the challenge, keep this document as a journal of your progress - write R1D1 on the top, and on the next paragraph describe the experiences and the challenge for the day. The next day, write R1D2 below and describe what you did in the challenge on that day, as well as your emotions/feelings/ideas. If you are familiar with Star Trek, this is your ‘Captain’s Log’.
- From today on, for the next 100 days, tweet your progress every day using the #100DaysOfX hashtag and the hashtag of the challenge you are taking.
- Important: Encourage others who are doing the same challenge on Twitter or elsewhere - by giving them props when they are posting updates on their progress, supporting them when things get difficult. Thus we will grow a community that is helpful and effective, which will lead to a higher success rate for each person involved. It’s also more likely that you will stick to your own commitment, given that you will get acquainted with a couple people (probably more :) ) right away.
- Bonus: if you are taking a creative challenge, you could set up your Instagram in such a way that every post you are making will be posted on Twitter automatically. Then you will have to do it once, and you will be engaging with both audiences and reaching more people with your updates. The best way (and easiest) I know is to set it up using an IFTTT workflow. It’s very simple and you can learn how to add it here. I’ve done it years ago, set it up once and never had to worry about it again. If you are on Instagram, follow #100DaysOfX Instagram there.